House & Office Cleaning Service Melbourne | Vacmate

NDIS Services



Welcome to Vacmate
Your Trusted NDIS Provider

Household Services

Our NDIS Specialities

laundry machine

Laundry tasks

house 1

Help with organizing and decluttering


Assistance with managing and organizing daily tasks and routines


Support with gardening and lawn maintenance.

white goods

Help with maintaining home appliances


Assistance with general home maintenance and repairs


Help with pet care, such as walking dogs or cleaning litter boxes.

moving truck

Assistance with moving house and setting up a new home.




With a substantial number exceeding 500,000, Australians are estimated to possess a permanent and significant disability. The gradual implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia aims to provide support to each individual living with a disability, facilitating their connection with services in local communities and fostering a life with enhanced choice and control.

The NDIS stands as a government initiative dedicated to creating an all-inclusive Australia. It is designed to assist every NDIS participant in developing their skills, capacity, and independence progressively over time.

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Professional Cleaners

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NDIS Services

Cleaning team with brooms and vacuum cleaner scaled 1

Best Team

What is NDIA?

We provide our best services

The acronym NDIA represents the National Disability Insurance Agency, which is an autonomous agency established by the Australian government to execute the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The agency has assembled a dedicated team to assist individuals in comprehending the NDIS and determining their eligibility for its benefits. Additionally, the NDIA allocates funding through NDIS to empower participants to lead independent lives, equipped with essential skills.

For more information about the NDIS and to ascertain your eligibility for its support, don't hesitate to reach out to the experienced team at Support. You can contact them at +61 411 858 767 or send an email to


An NDIS Plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the personalized support and services individuals with disabilities will receive under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. This plan is tailored to the specific needs and goals of each participant, taking into account their permanent and significant disabilities. Created in collaboration with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), the NDIS Plan covers various areas such as health, education, employment, and social participation. It serves as a roadmap for accessing necessary supports, including funding allocations, therapies, and assistive technologies. The plan is developed through a participant-centric approach, ensuring that the individual’s preferences and aspirations are considered. Periodic reviews enable adjustments to the plan, reflecting changes in the participant’s circumstances or goals. The NDIS Plan is a key instrument in empowering individuals, promoting independence, and facilitating their active engagement in the community.
A permanent and significant disability, within the context of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), refers to a condition that is enduring and has a substantial impact on an individual’s ability to perform everyday activities. This definition emphasizes the long-term nature of the impairment, indicating that it is either lifelong or expected to persist for an extended duration. The NDIS recognizes disabilities that significantly limit a person’s capacity for social and economic participation. These disabilities may affect various aspects of life, such as mobility, communication, self-care, and community engagement. Determining eligibility for NDIS funding involves assessing whether an individual’s disability meets the criteria of being both permanent and significant, ensuring that the scheme targets those who genuinely require ongoing support to enhance their quality of life and facilitate their active participation in society.
Eligibility for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding in Australia is determined by specific criteria. To qualify, individuals must have a permanent and significant disability that substantially impacts their ability to perform everyday activities. Eligibility also considers age, residency, and whether the disability is likely to be lifelong. The assessment process involves collaboration with healthcare professionals to evaluate the level of support required. Notably, the NDIS focuses on individual needs, emphasizing personalized plans to enhance overall well-being and community participation. If deemed eligible, individuals work with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to create a tailored NDIS Plan. This plan outlines the specific supports and services necessary to address the unique challenges posed by the disability, ensuring that individuals can access the resources needed to achieve their goals and lead fulfilling lives.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is a pivotal organization in Australia, serving as the key administrative body responsible for the implementation and management of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Tasked with overseeing the NDIS, the NDIA plays a crucial role in assessing eligibility, developing personalized NDIS Plans, and ensuring the delivery of tailored supports and services to individuals with permanent and significant disabilities. The NDIA works in collaboration with participants to facilitate the realization of their goals and enhance their overall quality of life. By conducting assessments, coordinating funding, and managing the NDIS process, the NDIA aims to empower individuals, foster inclusivity, and create a more accessible and supportive environment for people with disabilities. Its central role underscores the commitment to delivering person-centered care and promoting independence among NDIS participants.


A goal is a specific and measurable objective that individuals set to achieve within a defined timeframe, serving as a guiding target for personal or professional development. In the context of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), goals play a pivotal role in the creation of personalized NDIS Plans. These goals are tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of participants with permanent and significant disabilities. Whether related to health, education, employment, or community engagement, NDIS goals are designed to enhance an individual’s well-being and foster greater independence. The setting of clear and realistic goals is crucial in the NDIS planning process, as it enables participants, in collaboration with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), to identify the specific supports and services required to work towards achieving their aspirations and leading fulfilling lives. Regular reviews of goals ensure that NDIS Plans remain dynamic and responsive to an individual’s evolving needs and preferences.
Supports deemed “reasonable and necessary” under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) are those essential for individuals with disabilities to achieve their goals and enhance their overall well-being. These supports are tailored to address the specific needs arising from a participant’s permanent and significant disability. The term encompasses a wide range of services, including but not limited to healthcare, assistive technologies, education, and community engagement. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) evaluates the necessity of each support based on its effectiveness, cost-efficiency, and alignment with the participant’s individual goals outlined in their NDIS Plan. Reasonable and necessary supports aim to maximize the participant’s independence and social participation, enabling them to lead a fulfilling life despite their disabilities. Regular reviews ensure that the supports remain aligned with the participant’s evolving needs and aspirations.
Local Area Coordinators (LACs), Early Childhood Partners, and Support Coordinators play pivotal roles in assisting individuals in utilizing their NDIS plans effectively. LACs act as guides, helping participants understand and navigate the NDIS system, ensuring that their unique needs are addressed. Early Childhood Partners specialize in supporting families with young children, offering tailored assistance for early intervention. Support Coordinators collaborate closely with participants to implement their NDIS plans, connecting them with suitable service providers and facilitating seamless access to required supports. These coordinators assist in building capacity, promoting community engagement, and advocating for the participant’s choices and preferences. By offering expertise in plan management and coordination, LACs, Early Childhood Partners, and Support Coordinators enhance the overall experience for individuals with disabilities, ensuring that they receive the right services and resources to achieve their goals and foster independence.
Preparing for an NDIS planning meeting involves several key steps to ensure a productive and tailored support plan. Start by documenting your current needs, goals, and any challenges you face due to your permanent and significant disabilities. Collect relevant medical reports, assessments, and supporting documentation that provide insights into your condition. Identify potential support networks, including family members, caregivers, or healthcare professionals, who can contribute valuable perspectives during the meeting. Familiarize yourself with the NDIS goals and categories, such as health, education, employment, and community participation, to articulate your preferences clearly. During the meeting, express your aspirations and any specific requirements, emphasizing your desire for personalized support. Actively engage with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) planner, seeking clarification on any aspects of the process or plan development. By being well-prepared and communicative, you can maximize the effectiveness of the planning meeting and ensure your NDIS Plan aligns closely with your individual needs and aspirations.
The management of your NDIS funding offers flexibility and choice, with three primary options tailored to suit individual preferences. The first option involves self-management, empowering participants to directly oversee their funds, pay providers, and keep track of expenditures. Alternatively, participants can opt for plan management, where a third-party service provider assists in budgeting, paying invoices, and managing financial claims on behalf of the participant. The third option is agency management, wherein the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) directly handles the funding and payments to service providers. These choices aim to accommodate diverse needs and levels of financial management expertise, granting participants the autonomy to select the most suitable method for their circumstances. Participants can discuss and decide on the preferred funding management approach during the planning process, ensuring that their NDIS journey aligns seamlessly with their financial management preferences.
NDIS funding does not automatically rollover if the allocated funds are not fully utilized within the specified timeframe. Each participant is provided with an annual NDIS Plan that outlines the approved funding for various supports and services. Any unspent funds at the end of the plan year generally do not carry over to the next. It’s crucial for participants to actively engage with their plans, ensuring that allocated resources are utilized to maximize the benefits available to them. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) encourages regular plan reviews to assess the effectiveness of the allocated supports and make necessary adjustments. Participants can discuss their evolving needs with the NDIA during these reviews to ensure that their upcoming plans align closely with their current requirements, promoting optimal utilization of allocated funds.
Support Coordination under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a crucial service that assists individuals with disabilities in navigating and optimizing their support networks. This specialized support ensures that NDIS participants effectively utilize their funding and resources to achieve their goals. Support Coordinators, often professionals with expertise in disability services, work collaboratively with participants to identify, connect, and coordinate a range of supports. This includes accessing healthcare services, educational opportunities, employment support, and community engagement programs. The primary aim is to enhance the participant’s capacity to independently manage their NDIS Plan, making informed choices about their support providers and services. Support Coordination promotes a person-centered approach, empowering individuals to exercise choice and control over their lives, fostering a sense of autonomy, and facilitating a seamless integration of various supports into their daily routines.


A service provider is an entity or organization that offers specific services or assistance to individuals or businesses. In the context of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia, an NDIS service provider plays a pivotal role in delivering support and services to individuals with permanent and significant disabilities. These providers may offer a diverse range of services, including healthcare, education, employment support, assistive technologies, and community engagement programs. NDIS service providers undergo a registration process to ensure compliance with quality standards and the ability to meet the unique needs of NDIS participants. Participants can choose their preferred service providers based on their specific requirements and preferences, allowing for a personalized and tailored approach to support. The relationship between NDIS participants and service providers is instrumental in achieving the goals outlined in the participant’s NDIS Plan and promoting overall well-being and inclusion.v
Your NDIS plan encompasses a diverse array of funded supports tailored to meet your specific needs and enhance your overall well-being. These supports cover various categories, including Core Supports, which focus on daily activities and assistance, such as personal care, transport, and consumables. Capacity Building Supports aim to develop your skills and independence across domains like health, education, employment, and community participation. These can include therapeutic services, skill-building programs, and vocational training. Specialized Support Coordination may also be funded to help you navigate the complexities of your plan and coordinate services effectively. Assistive Technology is another critical category, providing aids or equipment to maximize your independence. Your plan is a dynamic document, subject to review and adjustments, ensuring that the funded supports align with your evolving goals and requirements, fostering a holistic and person-centered approach to your journey under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Core supports, a fundamental component of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia, encompass essential daily activities and assistance necessary for individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives. These supports are tailored to address participants’ baseline needs across various domains. Core supports include assistance with daily living activities such as personal hygiene, meal preparation, and household tasks. Furthermore, they extend to community participation, ensuring individuals can engage in social and recreational activities. Core supports also cover aspects related to transport, aiding participants in commuting and accessing community services. The goal of core supports is to enhance participants’ independence and overall well-being, facilitating their active participation in their communities. The NDIS recognizes the importance of these foundational services in fostering inclusivity and empowering individuals with permanent and significant disabilities to pursue their goals.
The Capacity Building Supports budget is a crucial component within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) that specifically allocates funding to enhance an individual’s skills, independence, and participation in the community. This budget is dedicated to various capacity-building activities and services aimed at developing the participant’s abilities and achieving their long-term goals. It covers a spectrum of supports such as specialized training, therapy sessions, skill development programs, and assistive technologies, all tailored to address the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. The Capacity Building Supports budget is designed to empower participants by fostering personal growth, social inclusion, and improved overall well-being. This aspect of the NDIS ensures that individuals receive the necessary resources to maximize their potential, promote independence, and actively engage in their chosen community and social activities.
A Capital Support Budget within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) encompasses funding allocated specifically for the acquisition of capital supports, which are durable and long-term assets aimed at enhancing an individual’s independence and overall well-being. This budget category covers a diverse range of items, including but not limited to assistive technologies, home modifications, vehicle modifications, and specialized equipment. These capital supports are instrumental in addressing the unique needs of individuals with permanent and significant disabilities, promoting greater accessibility, mobility, and safety. The allocation of funds within the Capital Support Budget is tailored to the specific requirements outlined in an individual’s NDIS Plan. By providing financial assistance for these capital investments, the NDIS aims to empower participants to lead more inclusive and fulfilling lives, fostering greater autonomy and participation in the community.
If you are dissatisfied with your NDIS Plan or a decision made by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), it is crucial to take proactive steps to address your concerns. The first course of action involves reaching out to your designated support coordinator or a representative from the NDIA to discuss the specific issues you are facing. Clearly articulate your grievances, providing any additional information or documentation that may support your case. If a resolution is not reached through this initial communication, you have the option to request a review of the decision. The NDIS offers a formal review process where an independent party reevaluates the decision, taking into account all relevant information. This ensures transparency and fairness in addressing concerns, ultimately striving to achieve an outcome that aligns with the participant’s needs and aspirations. Remember, open communication and the review process are essential mechanisms to advocate for adjustments to your NDIS Plan that better suit your individual circumstances.


Top 5 Benefits of Hiring an NDIS Cleaner from Vacmate Cleaning Services

Top 5 Benefits of Hiring an NDIS Cleaner from Vacmate Cleaning Services

  Top 5 Benefits of Hiring an NDIS Cleaner from Vacmate Cleaning Services </h2 > Enjoy your free time &…

Vacmate Cleaning Services: Your Trusted Partner for Clean Living with NDIS Funding

Vacmate Cleaning Services: Your Trusted Partner for Clean Living with NDIS Funding

Vacmate Cleaning Services: Your Trusted Partner for Clean Living with NDIS Funding Enjoy your free time & Let us Clean…


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About us

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Who We Are

Vacmate Cleaning stands as a dedicated National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider committed to delivering exceptional support services. With a firm belief in the principles of inclusivity and individualized care, we prioritize the well-being of individuals with permanent and significant disabilities. As an NDIS registered provider, we understand the importance of tailoring services to meet the unique needs of each participant. Our experienced team, including support coordinators, works tirelessly to guide individuals through the NDIS registration process and provide ongoing assistance in navigating the complexities of the system.

Our Commitment to You:

At Vacmate Cleaning, we go beyond being just a service provider – we are your trusted partner in enhancing accessibility and support. Whether you are in search of NDIS-registered providers near you, need assistance with NDIS registration, or are looking for personalized support coordination, Vacmate Cleaning is here to assist. Our comprehensive NDIS services cover a range of supports, including cleaning services, health, education, employment, and community engagement. We pride ourselves on fostering a person-centered approach, empowering participants to exercise choice and control over their NDIS Plans. With Vacmate Cleaning, you can rely on a committed team that prioritizes your well-being and strives to make your NDIS journey seamless and fulfilling.

Why choose us

We provide our best services

Choose Vacmate Cleaning for specialized NDIS expertise, person-centered support, and comprehensive services covering cleaning, health, education, and community engagement. Our commitment to inclusivity, empowerment, excellence, transparency, and community sets us apart, ensuring a trusted partnership that prioritizes your well-being throughout your NDIS journey.


NDIS Expertise


Comprehensive NDIS Services


Person-Centered Approach


Trusted Partnership

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Our Specialities

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At Vacmate Cleaning, our vision is to be a beacon of excellence in the provision of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) services. We aspire to create a society where individuals with permanent and significant disabilities experience inclusivity, empowerment, and a higher quality of life.



Our mission at Vacmate Cleaning is to deliver exceptional and person-centered NDIS support services. We are dedicated to guiding participants through the NDIS registration process, providing ongoing support coordination, and offering comprehensive services that address various needs, from cleaning solutions to health, education, and community engagement.



Inclusivity: We embrace diversity and ensure that our services cater to the unique needs of each participant, fostering an inclusive environment.

Empowerment: We empower individuals to exercise choice and control over their NDIS Plans, enabling them to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Excellence: We are committed to excellence in service delivery, upholding the highest standards in all aspects of our NDIS support services.

Transparency: We value transparency in our interactions, ensuring open communication, and building trust with our participants.

Community: We actively contribute to the betterment of the community by providing not just services but also fostering a sense of belonging and support.

Contact Us

For personalized support and a seamless NDIS journey, reach out to Vacmate Cleaning today. Submit an enquiry on our website or call our team at +61 411 858 767​ to discover how we can assist you in navigating and optimizing your NDIS Plan.

Meet With Us

Experience our commitment to a person-centered approach through a free face-to-face consultation. This opportunity allows us to introduce ourselves, understand your unique needs, and collaboratively establish the goals you aspire to achieve.

Start Your Journey

Once we comprehend your support goals, Vacmate Cleaning is dedicated to providing the right supports to help you fulfill them. Your journey toward achieving independence, empowerment, and an enhanced quality of life begins with us. Contact us today, and let’s embark on this transformative path together.

+61 411 858 767​

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Need Our Supports

At Vacmate Cleaning Services, we recognize the inherent potential in every individual with disabilities, and our mission is to unlock a higher quality of life for them. Our comprehensive range of support services, coupled with a team of compassionate and dedicated support workers, aims to empower individuals by fostering new abilities. Whether it's assistance in daily activities, skill development, or enhancing overall well-being, we are committed to providing the necessary supports that enable people with disabilities to lead fulfilling and empowered lives. Contact us today, and let our caring team guide you on a journey toward increased independence and an improved quality of life.

+61 411 858 767​

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For Emergency


Household Services

Our NDIS Specialities

laundry machine

Laundry tasks

house 1

Help with organizing and decluttering


Assistance with managing and organizing daily tasks and routines


Support with gardening and lawn maintenance.

white goods

Help with maintaining home appliances


Assistance with general home maintenance and repairs


Help with pet care, such as walking dogs or cleaning litter boxes.

moving truck

Assistance with moving house and setting up a new home.


Our Customers Says

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+61 411 858 767

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For Emergency

Household Tasks

Our services

laundry machine

Laundry tasks

house 1

Help with organizing and decluttering


Assistance with managing and organizing daily tasks and routines


Support with gardening and lawn maintenance.


Help with maintaining home appliances

white goods

Assistance with general home maintenance and repairs


Help with pet care, such as walking dogs or cleaning litter boxes.

moving truck

Assistance with moving house and setting up a new home.

Our Address

2/23-31 Gheringhap street, Geelong, 3220

Household Tasks

Vacmate Cleaning is dedicated to assisting NDIS participants in maintaining their homes and gardens. Our friendly staff is committed to ensuring that your home is kept tidy and tailored to your preferences. With our support, you can access Household Tasks assistance through your NDIS funding. Discover the ways Vacmate Cleaning can help you achieve a comfortable and well-maintained living environment. Contact us today to explore how our services can be personalized to suit your needs, promoting independence and enhancing your overall quality of life through effective home and garden care.

NDIS Funded Household Tasks Support

NDIS funded Household Tasks support is a crucial aspect of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, designed to assist participants in overcoming challenges related to maintaining a clean and organized home. Daily household tasks can pose difficulties for NDIS participants due to various disabilities, and the NDIS steps in to provide a range of services tailored to individual needs.

Participants may require support for physical limitations, cognitive or behavioral challenges, or simply to maintain a safe and healthy living environment. Accessing household tasks support is a straightforward process within the NDIS framework. Participants can include this service in their NDIS plan by discussing their skill development needs with their support coordinator or planner. Additionally, finding registered providers is convenient through the NDIS provider portal or by reaching out to the NDIS contact centre. This ensures that NDIS participants receive the necessary assistance to manage household tasks, fostering independence and improving their overall quality of life.

Accessing Household Tasks Support

Household tasks encompass essential activities crucial for maintaining a clean, safe, and functional living space. For individuals with disabilities, these tasks can pose unique challenges, impacting their overall well-being and that of their families. Recognizing this, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) acknowledges the significance of addressing these challenges and provides support for participants to access household task services.

The support offered by the NDIS in this regard aims to alleviate the difficulties individuals with disabilities may face in performing daily tasks. Whether due to physical limitations, cognitive challenges, or other impairments, accessing household tasks support ensures that participants can enjoy a well-maintained living environment. By receiving assistance with these essential tasks, individuals can enhance their independence, promote a healthy and safe home, and contribute to an improved overall quality of life. The NDIS's commitment to addressing these practical needs underscores its dedication to fostering inclusivity and empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives.

Examples of Household Task Supports


Cleaning and Maintenance

Our team can help with essential household cleaning tasks, including dusting, vacuuming, and washing floors.

laundry machine

Laundry Tasks

We provide assistance with laundry, covering washing, folding, and ironing clothes.


Pet Care

Our services include pet care, such as walking dogs or cleaning litter boxes.

house 1

Organizing and Decluttering

Our services extend to organizing and decluttering your home, creating a more functional and pleasant living space.


Managing Daily Tasks

We offer assistance in managing and organizing daily tasks and routines for a smoother daily life.


Gardening and Lawn Maintenance

Our team can help with gardening tasks and lawn maintenance to keep your outdoor space well-kept.

moving truck

Moving Assistance

If you're moving house, we offer support in the process, helping you set up your new home seamlessly.

+61 411 858 767

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Phone Number

+61 411 858 767

Our Address

2/23-31 Gheringhap street, Geelong, 3220

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